RCAG Meeting 8/5/2017
Committee Meeting Minutes:
Held 8/5/17 – 7:30pm at TCC
Present: Gerry Ginnivan, Melissa McDowall, Don Cook, Fiona Steel, Tony Murphy, Justus Hagan, David Sleigh, Cathy Artridge
Apologies: Don Maclean
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Moved – Fiona Steel. Seconded – Tony Murphy. Accepted.
Correspondence In:
12/04/17 Documents from DHHS advising the TCC’s application for a Shade Grant has been successful
27/04/17 Email from Alastair Tame requesting TCC booking for Strathbogie Ranges Conservation Network presentation on June 18th
02/05/17 Email reminder that the Local History Grant progress report is due in early July
Correspondence Out:
05/05/17 Email from Gerry to the Shire requesting that TCC grounds be included in the Shire’s lawn mowing program
05/05/17 Gerry submitted TCC Facilities Report to the Shire
Treasurer’s Report: On file.
Don advised that the GMCU web site was unavailable so the statement report will be provided ASAP post-meeting. $220.25 was banked from Bric a Brac activities. A Landcare invoice for $250.00 (for advertising in The Granite News) is to be paid.
The Landcare office rental reconciliation is complete and Landcare arrears will be $2700.00 (19 weeks rent). Don has sent an invoice to Nev Ford.
Moved – Don Cook. Seconded – Justus Hagan. Accepted.
General Business:
Bore & Electrical – David and Travis have repaired the bore. No recent outages.
Ian Boulton will be at the TCC on 10th May to resolve all electrical faults.
Bric A Brac – May 21st will be the last day of trading for the 2016-17 season. All seller payments and TCC income will be combined for April and May and presented at the next meeting.
Playground Upgrade – Gerry dismantled further playground components and delivered these to Fred Haig’s factory for powder-coating. Fred yet to confirm if he can provide recycled timber formwork.
TCC Sign – Ongoing
Massage – Fiona will work with Don & Kristy to determine the correct invoice amount for Kristy’s TCC hire.
Health – Gerry met with Roger Morgan. Roger is keen to establish a First Responder hierarchy for medical emergencies. Cathy mentioned that Ruffy CFA were trialling a system where Ambulance Victoria will page the local CFA to respond to 000 calls. However, Cathy was unsure of the status of the trial. Don commented that rather than an ad hoc approach, the community needs more thought around effective structure and coverage.
A sub-committee was established (Melissa, Cathy, Justus) to do further research and report to the next meeting.
TCC Grounds & Facilities – Landcare will repair the fence from the Hobart Street gate to the end of the TCC grounds.
Stove – Ongoing
Shade Grant – The TCC application for a Shade Grant for $2290.00 has been successful. DHHS has a sent the Funding Agreement (to be countersigned) and Invoice requirements. The TCC committee will action.
Internet – The Ruffy Store now has its own wi-fi so will no longer use the TCC internet service. Once the TCC’s electrical wiring has been stabilised, the internet performance will be reviewed with Peter Saglietti.
Key Register – Melissa to account for all TCC keys & to maintain register. Gerry to clarify key-holder policy with Shire.
Volunteer Register – Gerry will provide a form for volunteers to sign.
Ruffy Community Action Group – Erwin will update the community on Strathbogie Shire’s plans for Section 86 Committees at the next RCAG meeting on 24th May.
Mowing – Gerry sent an email to the Shire asking if TCC grounds can be included in the Shire’s lawn mowing program. In addition, the committee will check if the Shire’s Community Grants are a suitable vehicle to help fund a mower for the TCC.
TCC Booking for Music Event – Annabel Hawkins has inquired if the TCC is available for hire to host a music event in February 2018. The committee gave “in principle” support however Annabel will need to contact the Shire to understand the regulations and governance for running this type of event.
Shipping Container – Justus volunteered to eradicate the ant infestation in the container.
Next Meeting:
The next TCC Committee Meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 13th June 2017.
Strathbogie Ranges CMN •The Euroa Gazette •Granite News
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