RCAG Meeting 7/2/2018


Quarterly Meeting

Date:  7 February 2018

Time:  7.45 pm

Location:  TCC, Ruffy

Meeting called by Chairperson

Facilitator Rob Jamieson

Note taker Bron Jamieson

Attendees Rob Jamieson, Felicity Sloman, Ann Laherty-Hunt, George Noye, Henry Noye, Cathy Artridge, Pam Sprunt, Justus Hagen, Roger Morgan, Bron Jamieson

Apologies Alistair Thomson, Melissa Mc Dowall, Erwin and Verena Weinmann, David and Susan Sleigh, Gerry Ginnivan

Welcome Rob welcomed all attendees to the first meeting of the year and thanked them for their participation. Minutes of Previous Meeting 2 mins Felicity Minutes of the previous meeting (11 October, 2017) were distributed and confirmed as a true record.

Moved:  Pam

Seconded:  Ann

Secretary’s Report 3 mins Felicity

Correspondence in: 12/10/17 ‑ Shire advising application process for Community Planning Program Grant 23/11/17 – Shire advising mental health grant application process 24/11/17 – Shire notification re “Access all Areas” film festival 23/12/17 – History grants open (Koorie records unit) email from Cathy Artridge 12/1/18 – Tourism Arts & Culture Survey issued by Shire 25/1/18 – Shire invitation to attend Street trader Training Workshops 29/1/18 – Invitation to meet with Shire to commence RCAG Community Plan update 5/2/18 – Shire advising One Voice Choirs funding application process 7/2/18 – 2018 Victorian Seniors Festival support council/community based LGBTIQ and friends event

Correspondence out: 27/10/17 – Submitted submission for Community Planning Program Grant 13/11/17 – Final confirmation for community first aid education session Moved:  Henry

Seconded:  George

Treasurer’s Report 2 mins Ann Ann reported that new signatories have been added to the GMCU account:

Ann Laherty-Hunt (Treasurer), Rob Jamieson (President), Felicity Sloman (Vice President) and Melissa Mc Dowell (Secretary)

Bank Statement:  30 June 2017 – 22 January 2018

Balance in bank as at 30 August 2017, $5,286.27


30 November 2017:  Shire Grant - $6,180.00


8 August 2017:  Terip Terip Tennis club catering for Ruffy Community Forum $750.00

5 September 2017: Ruffy hall hire (RCF) $120.00

12 September 2017:  V Weinnan dinner expenses (RCF) $67.60

22 January 2018:  St Johns Ambulance First Aid Course $650.00

Cheque fees $4.00

Account balance as at 31 January 2018 $9,874.67

Ann reported that she has advised the Australian Taxation Office of ABN change of details and has completed an Update of Activities form and is still awaiting confirmation of receipt from the ATO.

Moved:  Ann

Seconded:  Bron

Review of current projects 18 mins

Boat hole

Justus reported that he had observed the picnic table being used by members of the public.

Justus advised that he is willing to be part of a maintenance/mowing team to keep the area fit for purpose.  Justus to investigate a grant for the erection of a viewing platform from Department of Fisheries.

Action Items: Maintenance roster, investigate Fisheries grant
Person Responsible: Justus
Deadline: May

Snow Gum walk

Justus reported on behalf of Janet that signage and brochures are on the way.
Justus advised that he would arrange collection of the sign from Avenel in the near future.

Action Item 1: Organisation of signage and brochures
Person Responsible: Janet/Justus
Deadline: May

Action Item 2: Pick up sign from Avenel
Person Responsible: Justus/Rob
Deadline: May

Local history trail and signage/history & photographic records retention

Cathy reported that a grant is available however applications have closed for this year.  The Action Group decided to pursue this grant next year.

Cathy suggested that the historical sign which is to be erected at the boathole, has a website presence, the design of which could be carried throughout the district marking local focal points.  Content of the sign to be discussed through a steering committee.  Felicity suggested submitting an article in the Granite News requesting interested parties come together.  Discussion on QR codes ensued and Cathy suggested that the Tourism Council may be able to assist.

A motion was made that the collection of historical data be gathered and a subsequent sign be erected.  The funding of the sign is to be approved by RCAG.

Moved:  Pam

Seconded:  Felicity

Action Item: Meet with interested parties and finalise sign content
Person Responsible: Cathy
Deadline: May

First aid

Felicity reported that the introductory first aid course conducted by a St Johns Ambulance officer, was an outstanding success and was well received by the community.  A small number of community members have engaged in further training.  Upton Hill were to offer Ruffy community members the opportunity to attend similar training for those unable to attend the session in Ruffy, but their representative hasn’t advised of the date.  If another course was offered to the community, it would only be partially funded.


Ruffy Streetscape

Discussion was held over in David’s absence.


Defib equipment research

5 mins Felicity

Felicity shared her research into the purchase of a second defib machine for the Ruffy community.  Currently the Ruffy CFA have a semi-automatic Phillips Heart Start ($2,395).  Felicity also investigated a fully automatic LifePack at a cost of $2,195.  Felicity will continue to investigate the best option which is Australian Resuscitation Council recommended. George shared his knowledge of both types of defib machines and offered photos of the machine at Tatura CFA.  Ann felt it was best to have the same unit as the CFA to avoid user confusion.  The group felt it prudent to house the defib in a secure alarmed cabinet outside the CFA shed.  Rob reported that he has been in discussion with representatives of all local groups (Hall Committee, TCC, Ruffartz, Landcare, CFA and Rec Reserve) and pending approval from their committees, a financial contribution for the purchase of the unit could be made by all community groups.

A motion was made to purchase a defibrillator for community use.

Moved:  Henry

Seconded:  Justus

Action Item: Further investigation on make and model of defibrillator
Person Responsible: Felicity
Deadline: May

Community Web Page

5 mins Felicity

Felicity acknowledged Ann for her assistance in the updating of the community website. Felicity and Cassie Moore, a graphic designer, are to work together to ensure website is constantly updated and will liaise with Cathy on this.  Justus reported that Jackie Hagen remains keen to assist with “back end” website issues.  Roger advised the group that he has had experience using “SquareSpace” as the facilitator at a cost of $192 per annum.

Action Item: Ongoing updates to website
Person Responsible: Felicity
Deadline: May

Community plan submission

5 mins Rob

Rob advised the group that he has received a copy of “Developing a Community Plan”, from the Liveability Department, Strathbogie Shire. Rob reported that the development of a community plan requires a whole community approach where all groups and individuals have the opportunity to be involved.  Rob’s recommendation is to involve a representative from each group in the development of the third phase plan.  Phase 1, Information gathering (completed); Phase 2, Community consultation and engagement (completed): Phase 3, Preparation of the community plan (in progress).  The timeframe for this task is completion by the end of June, 2018.

Action Item : Facilitate the completion of Phase 3 and submit to Council
Person Responsible: Rob
Deadline: June

Community group reports

12 mins

Recreation Reserve (Pam)

Pam acknowledged the assistance of Council in possum removal from the tennis pavilion  roof, new kitchen floor, new pump and tidying up surrounding trees. Pam reported that a successful HRCAV show in conjunction with Ruffy Adult Riding Club was held 3rd and 4th February, 2018. Pam advised the group that Euroa Pony Club will be utilizing facilities at the reserve on 3 March 2018.  Pam reported to the meeting that Anthony Cini, Community Facilities Planning Officer for the SSC is developing a 5 – 10 year plan for the reserve. It is proposed to install more yards for the adult riding club.

Hall Committee (Henry)

Henry reported that installation of mesh to stop wombat invasion is yet to be completed.

Ruffartz (Roger)

Roger outlined the four shows planned for the year in the Café Culture Series, including two additional Sunday afternoon matinees and a free workshop prior to the first show to be held on 24 February.

CFA (George)

George thanked Felicity for organizing a great planning day on 4 February and advised that there were a number of visitors from other districts in attendance.  George reported that all remained quiet on the fire front!

TCC (Justus)

Justus reported that the Shire was currently working on improvements to the TCC buildings.

Landcare (Justus)

Justus reported that the next meeting will be held in Ruffy in the near future and advised the group that the spray unit is currently in high demand.

Neighborhood Watch (Cathy)

Cathy advised the group that the next meeting is to be held in March.

District support – forum outcome (priority 1)

10 mins Rob

Rob proposed that RCAG postpone discussion on this item until the next meeting due to time constraints.  Rob emphasized the importance of understanding exactly what this priority entails.

Action Item: Discussion with community members to understand priority 1
Person Responsible: Rob
Deadline: May  

Proposed 2018 meeting dates

2 mins Rob

Rob proposed that RCAG meet on the following dates throughout 2018, but they are subject to change if clashes occur with other groups in the community. All meetings to be held at the TCC, commencing 7.45 pm or earlier in winter (tba).

7 February

9 May

8 August

7 November


Next Meeting:

The next RCAG meeting is to be held on 9 May, 7.45 pm in the TCC.


Close of Meeting:

The meeting concluded at 9.50 pm.


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