RCAG AGM - 5/8/2015
5th August 2015, 7.30 pm, at the Tablelands Community Centre
Welcome: The President, Justus Hagen, welcomed everyone to this meeting.
Present: Cathy Artridge, John Furlanetto, Justus Hagen, Kerry Hewlett, Christine and Roger Morgan, Kym and Steve Mc Williams, David Sleigh, Erwin and Verena Weinmann and visitors: Mal Booth, Bill Sheehan and Jeff Starkey Apologies: Stan Artridge, Cr Colleen Furlanetto, Gerry Ginnivan, Henry Noye, Robbie Rae, Susan Sleigh.
Confirmation of minutes of last AGM: The minutes of last year’s AGM were confirmed and accepted (moved by Kerry Hewlett, seconded by Cathy Artridge) and all in favour. Minutes were signed by the President.
Business arising from minutes: Any business arising will be dealt with in the Quarterly Meeting, following the AGM.
Correspondence: There was no correspondence relating to the AGM.
Reports:President’s Report: Justus Hagen read his report which is attached to these minutes (Appendix 1).
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Kerry Hewlett presented a very well prepared annual report (Appendix 2).
Working balance at bank 30/06/15: $ 6,381.56
Walking track funds: $ 4,685.77
RCAG funds: $ 1,695.79
Raffle cash (to be used to finish off War Memorial): $300.00
Justus Hagen moved that all reports be accepted, seconded by Erwin Weinmann. All in favour – carried.
Justus Hagen declared all positions vacant and encouraged present members to come forward with nominations
Jeff Starkey was asked to officiate for the election of office bearers.
President: Justus Hagen was nominated by Cathy Artridge. Justus declined due to too many community commitments. Erwin Weinmann was then nominated by Verena Weinmann. There were no other nominations and Jeff Starkey congratulated Erwin for the role of President.
Vice-President: Kerry Hewlett nominated John Furlanetto but he declined. Cathy Artridge then nominated Justus Hagen who accepted the nomination. The President then declared Justus as the elected Vice-President.
Secretary: Cathy Artridge nominated Verena Weinmann who accepted for one more year. The President then declared Verena as the re-elected Secretary.
Treasurer: Justus Hagen nominated Kerry Hewlett who accepted. The President then declared Kerry as the re-elected Treasurer.
Webmaster: Verena Weinmann nominated Cathy Artridge who accepted. The President then declared Cathy as the re-elected Webmaster.
With regard to the webpage, Justus Hagen informed the meeting that unfortunately the Shire didn’t accept the ‘Quick Grant’ application for the new set-up of our webpage because it would have covered wages. Luckily RCAG has enough funds to pay the cost of $500.00 to Jacqui Hagen. The good news is that the new webpage is nearly finished and should go online next week. It will be an easier platform to work on.
The AGM concluded at 8.10 pm.
The meeting was followed by Jeff Starkey’s talk on Maps in Ruffy and District.