RCAG AGM 3/8/2016
3rd August 2016, 7.30 pm, at the
Tablelands Community Centre
1. Welcome, The President, Erwin Weinmann, welcomed everyone to this meeting.
Present: Kerry Hewlett, George Noye, Henry Noye, Erwin and Verena Weinmann
Apologies:, Cr Colleen Furlanetto, Cathy Artridge, Stan Artridge, Sharron Batt, Christine and Jamie Ford, Justus Hagen, David Sleigh
2. Confirmation of minutes of last AGM: The minutes of last year’s AGM were confirmed and accepted (moved by Kerry Hewlett, seconded by Erwin Weinmann) and all in favour. Minutes were signed by the President.
3. President’s Report:
Erwin Weinmann read his report which is attached to these minutes (Appendix 1).
Discussion of the report centred on proposed changes to the operation of the Action Groups in the Shire of
Strathbogie. Erwin Weinmann explained some of the reasons behind this development. He expressed concerns that the new proposals focused mainly on projects and did not address many of the other important roles played by the Action Groups. Those present agreed that, without being able to operate as aSection 86 committee, projects that benefited the whole of the Ruffy Community rather than one individual Community Group would probably not get off the ground. Erwin had submitted feedback on the proposal on behalf of our Action Group, and a joint response from all Action Groups is being prepared. Strathbogie Shire Council has not yet made any decision regarding these proposals. If approved, the new Community Planning Model would only operate from the start of the next financial year.
Erwin Weinmann moved that his report be accepted, seconded by Henry Noye. All in favour – carried.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Kerry Hewlett presented a very well prepared financial report for 2015/16
(see Appendix 2).
Working balance at bank 01/07/15 $6,381.56
Working balance at bank 30/06/16: $8,098.21
Walking track funds $4,685.77
RCAG funds $3,412.44
Kerry Hewlett moved that the report be accepted, seconded by Erwin Weinmann. All in favour – carried.
5. Confirmation of Action Group Membership: The President explained that the composition of the Action Group
should be representative of the different Community Groups and interests in the Ruffy area. An updated list of
Action Group Membership will need to be submitted to Strathbogie Shire Council following the AGM. The President will contact some of the members to confirm their membership.
6. Election of Office Bearers
All positions were declared vacant. The current office bearers had confirmed before the meeting that they would be prepared to continue in their present position for another year. As there were no other nominations for any of the positions, the present Committee Members were declared re-elected.:
President: Erwin Weinmann
Vice-President: Justus Hagen
Secretary: Verena Weinmann
Treasurer: Kerry Hewlett
Web Master: Cathy Artridge
Before closing the AGM, the President informed that at the next quarterly meeting on 24 August 2016 a number of important matters will need to be discussed. All members agreed to make special efforts to promote this important meeting to other community members.
The AGM concluded at 8.20pm and was followed by a supper.