RCAG AGM 10/8/2015
Annual General Meeting
Tablelands Community Centre at Ruffy.
August 10th 2015, 7.30 pm
Apologies: Colleen Furlanetto, Janet Hagen, Peter Saglietti, Robbie Rae.
Present: Justus Hagen, John Furlanetto, Gerry Ginnivan, Don Cook, Fiona Steel, Cathy Artridge, Susan and David sleigh, Doug McClean, Sally Kubeil, Melissa McDowall.
Minutes of the last AGM: Cathy Artridge, Sally Kubeil. Passed.
There was no correspondence pertaining to the AGM except for an email from past Chairman , Peter Saglietti stating that he was not re-nominating for the position of Chairman.
(Acting) Chairman’s Report: Attached
Moved– Gerry Ginnivan Sec Justus Hagen- Passed
Treasurer’s Report: Attached.
We have a balance of $14,251 in the account of which $5,000 will be the final instalment for Shire payment and other quarantined funds leaving an unencumbered balance of $5001.
Our financial report is from AGM to AGM-11th August last year
Moved Don Cook, Sec John Furlanetto. Passed.
Election of Officebearers: Justus took the chair and called for nominations-
Chair: Gerry Ginnivan, was nominated by Fiona and Susan Sleigh. Accepted and was duly elected.
Vice Chair; Gerry sec Sally. nominated Justus Hagen
Accepted and elected.
Secretary: Melissa McDowall was nominated by Gerry G Seconded Don Cook. Elected.
Treasurer: Don Cook was nominated by Justus and Susan.
Accepted and elected.
Committee-the following were put forward as committee members- Fiona Steel, David Sleigh, Doug McLean and Cathy Artridge.
Moved Gerry Ginnivan and Susan Sleigh. All accepted.
Don Cook noted the contribution made to the establishment of the TCC by John Furlanetto since the old Ruffy School closed in 2004. And the first committee in 2006. (General acclaim from all present).
Justus noted Peter Saglietti’s contribution to the TCC. As an ex-student Peter has had a long association with the Ruffy School and later the TCC. His financial backing supported the establishment of this facility-an asset to the community. His enthusiasm and ideas have stimulated us all.
AGM closed at 8pm.