Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter - May 2021
Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter
May 2021
President: Rob Jamieson
Secretary/Treasurer: Cathy Artridge
Next meeting: August 2021 8pm Ruffy Tableland Community Center
Date yet to be confirmed.
Welcome to the May Newsletter.
Your local NHW has re-opened after a troubled 2020. Our first meeting & AGM was in Dec 2020 at the Creightons Creek Recreation Ground, followed by a second at the Ruffy Tableland Community Centre earlier this month. Our next meeting will be in August at Ruffy and an invite will be emailed closer to the time.
At the AGM Rob Jamieson was elected as our new President and Cathy Artridge continues in the role of Secretary / Treasurer.
Want to get more information about what you can do to protect your property and make your community safer.
Mitchell Neighbourhood Watch and the Mitchell Region Proactive Policing Unit will be in attendance, ready to help you with any questions and advice.
The BBQ will be between 9am-4pm and
the Safe Plates (Car Registration Plates) event will be 10am-2pm
Local News
There have been unknown vehicles and persons seen traveling through the district and also seen in the proximity of houses and sheds in the last month or so.
So, keep your eyes and ears open, have a pen and note pad handy, and remember, if you have a dash cam your footage could be vital to any police investigation.
Rural crime investigation is like a jigsaw puzzle, lots of small pieces of information can come together to form the big picture. Your observations could be the missing piece needed by police to solve a crime and preventing further criminal activities.
Do you know what to write down and who to contact with any information?
No, well read on!
What To Do & Who To Contact.
If you are suspicious of a person or a vehicle, write down the following details:
Always remember: Do not put yourself in danger.
For Vehicles:
1. Registration plate number
2. Vehicle Make
3. Model
4. Colour
5 Any damage to vehicle.
For individuals:
1. Age
2. Height
3. Hair Colour
4. Build
5. Facial hair
6. Clothing
7. Ethnic appearance
Also record location / address, date, time, the nature of the activities and what you observed.
Contact Numbers:
In an Emergency: 000 (if you are in danger or feel uncomfortable)
Note: 000 is used for all emergencies, you will be asked Police, Ambulance or Fire
Police Assistance Line: 13 14 44 (to contact Police in a non-emergency
Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 (if you have information to provide to
Police, remember this can be anonymous)
You can also keep your local community informed by talking to your neighbours and your local Neighbourhood Watch Group by contacting Rob or Cathy.
Copyright © 2021 Neighbourhood Watch Creightons Creek, Ruffy, Terip Terip, Longwood East Inc,
All rights reserved.