Ruffy Community Action Group
The Ruffy Community Action Group (RCAG) was formed early in 2009 to support, coordinate and supplement the activities of various existing community groups in the Ruffy area.
Its fundamental aim is to enhance the quality of life of the Ruffy community through a range of community led initiatives and projects, which are set out in the Ruffy Community Action Plan.
RCAG is made up of representatives from the existing community groups in Ruffy; meetings are open to any interested persons in the community. Direct community involvement in project development and implementation are seen as important prerequisites for the success of the Ruffy Community Action Plan.
RCAG receives some funding under Strathbogie Shire Council’s Grants Program but it relies on a range of grants and local fundraising activities, as well as substantial volunteer effort, to bring projects to fruition.
Rob Jamieson, Chairperson – 0401 993 681
Bernie Hamill, Vice Chairperson
Cathy Artridge, Secretary –
Ann Laherty-Hunt, Treasurer